About Us

Why Korora?

According to Wikipedia, The little penguin (Eudyptula minor) is a species of penguin from New Zealand. They are commonly known as fairy penguins, little blue penguins, or blue penguins, owing to their slate-blue plumage and are also known by their Māori name kororā. They are fossorial birds. As we are an open source focused company that primarily offers solutions hosted on Linux servers, and Linux’s mascot is Tux, a penguin, keeping with that theme made sense.

Why Korora?

According to Wikipedia, The little penguin (Eudyptula minor) is a species of penguin from New Zealand. They are commonly known as fairy penguins, little blue penguins, or blue penguins, owing to their slate-blue plumage and are also known by their Māori name kororā. They are fossorial birds. As we are an open source focused company that primarily offers solutions hosted on Linux servers, and Linux’s mascot is Tux, a penguin, keeping with that theme made sense.

Any relation to the Korora Project?
